USB Sabertooth Packet Serial Library for Arduino
Control your USB-enabled Sabertooth with reliable Packet Serial.

Uses a pin other than TX to connect to S1.

// Software Serial Sample for USB Sabertooth Packet Serial
// Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Dimension Engineering LLC
// See license.txt for license details.
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <USBSabertooth.h>
SoftwareSerial SWSerial(NOT_A_PIN, 11); // RX on no pin (unused), TX on pin 11 (to S1).
USBSabertoothSerial C(SWSerial); // Use SWSerial as the serial port.
USBSabertooth ST(C, 128); // Use address 128.
void setup()
void loop()
int power;
// Ramp motor 1 from -2047 to 2047 (full reverse to full forward),
// waiting 20 ms (1/50th of a second) per step.
for (power = -2047; power <= 2047; power += 16)
ST.motor(1, power);
// Now go back the way we came.
for (power = 2047; power >= -2047; power -= 16)
ST.motor(1, power);